Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Trading Spaces Family
Knoxville: 4th and Gill Buckhead: Canter Road Knoxville: Courtney Oak Philadelphia: Valley Road Annapolis: Fox Hollow Cincinnati: Madison and Forest San Diego: Hermes Avenue Miami: 83rd Street Austin: Birdhouse Drive Orlando: Winterhaven New Orleans: Jacob Street New Jersey: Sam Street New Jersey: Lincroft Road
New Jersey: Tall Pines Drive Maple Glen: Fiedler Road Boston: Ashfield Street New Jersey: Perth Road Chicago: Edward Road Colorado: Cherry Street Seattle: Dakota Street Oregon: Alsea Court Santa Clara: Lafayette Street California: Corte Rosa Los Angeles: Springdale Drive Houston: Appalachian Trail Houston: Sawdust Street Texas: Sutton Court Wake Forest: Rodney Bay
Connecticut: Lookout Hill Road Birmingham: Buckingham Place
This website is not affiliated with Trading Spaces, Discovery Channel, or TLC.